Silence. It’s not something you hear a lot of with 6 kids and it’s certainly not something I normally hear in the way I heard it today.
As we’re waiting for oldest daughter’s sports practice to end, baby boy got a bit fussy. He started grumbling in his baby babble way and next thing you know, my 3yo says in a very strong, very commanding voice…
Pfffff! I nearly burst out laughing.
Silence? Honey, you should talk. You’re usually the one we’re telling to be quiet. She tends to use her inside and outside voice at inappropriate times.
Such a character that kid. She doesn’t do much “in between.” She either outgoing, outspoken, and very expressive or acting shy and quiet. She’s either dressed up like a princess carrying a handbag while spinning in circles so she can see her skirt twirl around her or she’s wearing her brother’s hand-me-down sports clothes while climbing trees.
Never a dull moment.